In this life there are many things to prepare for, but the most important is for our entrance into the kingdom of heaven. I will take you with me, should you want to come along, on my personal journey to the door which will lead to eternity, through which every soul must pass. Where the angel of death waits to ask the all important question, "Are you prepared for the Kingdom?"

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Location: Anacortes, Washington, United States

Two years ago I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I was one of the fortunate ones who survived surgery along with chemo/radiation treatments. Recently, it was discovered that the cancer had returned and although I am again on chemotherapy, in all probability I have perhaps one more year to live. During these last months I would like to share what I have learned about the most important thing we'll ever do in this life and that is, prepare for the kingdom of God.

Monday, May 07, 2007

No News is Good News

Just a little update for those of you who are checking. There's really nothing new to report, which at least means she's still alive and not exactly at death's door. She has good days and bad days, but she's trying to make the best of the time that still remains.

One thing that is something of a mixed blessing is that she has a steady stream of visitors--relatives and friends. This is often a consolation, but it also leaves her quite exhausted, so she has to limit visits and conversations according to her reduced capacities. When one's body is pouring all its energy into sheer survival and struggle against an invading disease, even the smallest things are very tiring.

She is getting the best of spiritual care, especially the Holy Eucharist, almost daily. People come and pray with her, read her the Scriptures, bring holy oil and relics of saints, etc. So she is enfolded in the grace of the Lord, and we can be sure that whatever happens will be according to his will.

Thank you for your continuing prayers.

Abbot Joseph


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. I check in every day, several times a day. I just went through the same waiting experience from a distance with an elderly aunt who I'd recently reunited with (via computer). It's not the best way, but it is enriching because the relationship is totally on a spiritual level, and that's not bad at all. Thanks for the updates, tho'. You are not only a precious help for her, but for us too. Thanks again.

12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Father.

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you Abbot Joseph.

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you from me, too. If she must go Home soon, then this is the holy TLC part that God gives, not only to Laura, but to those who love her. That is hard to see, because it's so sad, but this is what prayer gains for another-- peace, calm, Closerness.. And whatever my pinching His calf and whining doesn't do, I'm sure holy oils and saints' relics, and friends' and loved ones' eyes and voices and prayers, applied in His love, do.


5:50 AM  

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